Which do you need more?
Earlier this year, our team responded to a flurry of RFPs (request for proposal). The needs of the prospective clients ran the gamut: from comprehensive strategic communications planning to tactical, This got me thinking: what services are we most well suited to deliver for clients, strategic or tactical?
My answer: Yes to both!
Our team is pretty darn strategic. That said, the organizations we work with most — mission-driven nonprofits — tend to have limited resources. Frequently, they need our assistance with hands-on support. Their teams have been tapped out or they don’t have all the skills they need in house. They hire us to alleviate their immediate overwhelm. More times than not, that leads to more strategic work at some point down the line.
But when consultants solely focus on high level strategy, who rolls out that communications strategy once it’s done? Do you have the resources to implement a whole new plan internally? When you think about it, what help is a plan without the ability to follow through?
The GCS team loves solving organizational challenges and developing big picture communications strategies. But we also love writing blogs, creating social media content, promoting events, and producing collateral (among the many other things we do!).There’s a lot of opportunity for small, nimble, smart teams that can help solve big problems and implement the solutions. Teams like GCS.
What do you need? Are you more inclined to use a communications consultant for help on strategy or tactics? Click the link below to share your thoughts.