Team Spotlight: Liz, Creative Director

How would you describe your background?

I am a designer and scientific illustrator specializing in branding, infographics, diagrams, and natural science illustrations.

What drew you to working in communications?

I was interested in helping clients communicate their research/mission through compelling visuals.

What kind of professional projects do you most enjoy working on and why?

My favorite projects are the infographics where a variety of graphics, text, and images all come together to tell a story.

What one thing do you enjoy most about working with GCS clients?

I love that our clients are mission-driven, and I appreciate knowing my work is contributing to bettering our world.

What do you do in your spare time?

In my free time, I like to hike, travel, and enjoy good food and drinks with friends.

What’s one thing you enjoy learning about?

I always love learning about new design and illustration techniques and trends. An artist’s style is always evolving.

What do you love about working at GCS?

I love the flexible schedule and talented colleagues who tackle every project as a team.

GCS is a VERY animal friendly environment. Tell us about your pet!

My black cat Midge is 100% in charge, I am just here to pay his rent and prepare his food. His instagram is @midgefinsta